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128 Birch Street
Boston, MA, 02131
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(617) 390-4076

Invent Boston designs and develops original products to add science + whimsy to  every day tasks at home.   Our first product is a Two Minute timer, Two Minute Turtle, a visual timer. The Two Minute Turtle helps children and adults focus on two minute tasks such as brushing teeth, physical therapy, taking a shower and speaking (practicing a presentation or learning a language).

Teach Kids Patience,  Naturally

Invent Boston™, Home of the Two Minute Turtle Timer™

Invent Boston™ blog offers tips and stories by parents, for parents of children ages 4-12 to make toothbrushing and other healthy habits at home, more fun. We write about simple tactics to help kids do what they like to do-touch, seeing, play games and strive for independence. We recommend products to help stay healthy while being kids. We share stories to transform daily healthy habits from something kids resist (for example, toothbrushing, handwashing, toilet training, organizing, taking time-out or pausing, yoga, and taking turns) into something children are motivated to do independently, without parents’ reminders. The original physical product Invent Boston has designed for families is the new light-up Two Minute Turtle Timer, an analog, interval toothbrush timer to make brushing teeth fun for kids. Kids like to press the button, follow the flippers and brush until all the lights blink—the Victory Lap signals to brush the tongue.

Teach Kids Patience, Naturally

Virginia Berman

Turquoise Eye Illustration International Women's Day Instagram Story (1).png

Teach Kids Patience, Naturally


Good news, Parents!  You and the Two-Minute Turtle Timer can show your kids that many good things come only with patience, to those who wait.  YOU know the importance of patiently following healthy routines that prevent future problems from occurring. Tooth-brushing for two minutes twice a day, which all dentists recommend, is that sort of routine.  We know—prevention is a hard goal to appreciate!  If you achieve it, nothing happens!  And brushing a whole two minutes every time can seem like an eternity to a kid.  The Turtle Timer brings fun to the habit of brushing the right way!


The Turtle Timer gives kids something to focus on and follow, making two minutes manageable and even enjoyable.  It breaks the task into four even parts—a flipper blinks for each corner of the mouth.  Kids focus on the lights and brush in sequence.  They like to start by guessing which flipper will blink first, which second, which third.  The treat of watching all of the lights blink together is the reward for brushing for two minutes.  Kids like to know they’ve done a thorough job.  They want to succeed and feel pride in a job well done.  The Turtle Timer gives kids the gift of patience—waiting and succeeding, every day!  In time, they’ll appreciate its other gift, of course—cavity-prevention!!