When Was Your Last Visit to the Dentist?
Virginia Berman
During this pandemic one piece of good news is many of us have more time to take care of our daily healthy habits, like toothbrushing. And that’s all the more important when dentists are only just opening up. How are your teeth feeling? Have you been to the dentist yet? I went.
Are you taking the 2 minutes to brush each time you brush? We can do this. It is important now more than ever to brush well because brushing teeth, keeping cavities away, helps to keep our immune system strong. A healthy mouth is one way to maintain a healthy immune system—keeping bad bacteria from growing in the mouth.
I still like that feeling of having my teeth cleaned and then to hear “no cavities”. What a relief! I did got to the dentist since Corona and I got that good news, “no cavities!”. I say it’s partly thanks to my Two Minute Turtle Timer I use every time I brush. Now you’re never too old to enjoy a new, useful timer. Get yourself or your parents the gift of a healthy mouth.
The Two Minute Turtle Timer is on sale on our website, and Etsy and Amazon.
Shop on InventBoston.com to get the last of these homemade adorable, 5-star gettin, Two Minute Turtle Timers.
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