This Little Turtle Went To Market-But Which Path Did it Take? 4 Paths to Choose From
Virginia Berman
How Should We Market the Two Minute Turtle Timer?
We at Invent Boston have 4 possible marketing strategies for Spring 2020—but I could choose 1 of the 4. The goal of the marketing was to get the Two Minute Turtle Timer into more homes of families who needed them. Which of the choices was the best?
Our Criteria for Choosing a Marketing Strategy was based on our:
Ability to Implement. DO.
Costs to Implement. PAY.
Ability to get sales results quickly. LEARN.
Measurability. TRACK. it.
Our 4 Marketing Strategy Options for Spring 2020 were:
Social media ads, promoted posts with videos.
Finding partners in content creators and adding more content to our posts and website from bloggers who are already writing helpful pieces on topics our Two Minute Turtle Timer customers seek such as: keeping kids healthy, oral health habits, daily hacks in a busy growing household, mastering timed tasks.
Trade shows: speaking at and exhibiting at conference such as the Pediatric Dental, Womens Conferences, Occupational Therapy, Natural Foods, Education of Young Children
Door Knocking in the 50 towns around Boston. Preschools, Dentists and shop. Visit 1 town 3 days/week and build awareness and sales through the offices.
Each one had their merits but one rated highest for this team, our product, and now. Which one would you choose? The winner for us is……..
Door knocking with Dentists! Why Door Knocking with Dentists?
One reason is this is what the Invent Boston founder, author here, I, enjoy doing the most—-meeting new people face to face, learning what they like and don’t and getting real time feedback from real people.
So far, I’ve been to 4 towns . The best part? It’s measurable. I know who and how many people I speak with. I will know if they place an order. The cost of this strategy is my time, milage and the samples I give away. The results are people giving me real time feedback—who I should speak with, if they love it, who owns their shop. For example, at one warm and lovely preschool I went to I was surprised to find out it was not only owned by someone on the west coast, but that it was one of 3000 preschools with the same owner and owned by a big time investor, Milkin. The things you learn by talking with people.
For results of this tactic, let’s touch base this Summer 2020. Let me know if you have towns near you where I might door knock or if it’s more than 50 miles, mail a sample. Thanks.
Reaching more families
by meeting face to face
In the mean time, I may not get to your door, so go ahead and take the short cut-order online!
NOTE: MARCH 16, 2020 UPDATE. Due to the Corona Virus. We need to go to Plan B. Will do another blog on what the marketing strategy will be in light of the Corona Virus.