12 Steps to Start-Up. Show Up Every Day
Virginia Berman
Today the garden reminds me of the importance of being there, every day. Writing during the pandemic of 2020, it’s been possible to do that-go to the garden every day. And now I see what I’ve been missing all the years I couldn’t go as often to the garden. I used to think once a week was enough!
What do you miss when you don’t show up? The early signs of a peach leaf disease that you can identify and treat, the pruning needs of a spirea plant, the hens are out of water, etc! And like the garden, so too with a business. The value of showing up is that the ideas, problems, solutions happen by being present—giving space to work, listen and try new things.
If this is obvious to you then consider yourself a step ahead. I forget about showing up every day for the important things but I’m reminded how valuable that is to success.
To our mutual success in…showing up!