Seeking Marketing Intern!
Invent Boston is Hiring!
What: Marketing Intern: Detail Oriented, Collaborative Worker
When: Mid May-August 2021
Where: Remote
Goal of the position: Spur word of mouth in target regions and with target audiences. Introduce influencers to the Turtle Timer.
How: Collaborate with the Executive Director and Research for Select New Sales Markets:
Online gift & educational shops
Consumer ecommerce (Amazon, Etsy, InventBoston)
Children’s hospital buyers
Reach out to Social Media Influencers.
Find the right social media tools: promotion, short video, direct message to find and reach the “raising healthy young family” influencers
Criteria for influencers: 1000-10,0000 followers who would do a promotion/video to our target audience
Create packet for influencers: freebies, samples, recognition
Track and follow up with influencers
Find 25 Targeted towns.
US towns with Turtles as tourist attraction
Test promotion campaign on instagram
Find and Get us into Holiday 2021 Online Gift Guides.
Find, reach out to journalists who in 2020 published holiday gift guides for parents of kids ages 4-7 to write about the Turtle Timer.
Work with the Executive Director of Invent Boston to collaborate and learn.
Invent Boston is a small product design start-up. We prototype, invent, design, develop and market new physical products for families at home. Our products provide new and simple ways to make healthy habits more fun at home. The first product is the Two Minute Turtle Timer, award winning and successfully crowdfunded. The people who use the Two Minute Turtle Timer are children ages 4-14. The buyers are parents and grandparents of those children. The sellers include online wholesale gift shops and ecommerce stores and hospitals.
Compensation: stipend, based on experience
Please send your cover letter with why you are interested and relevant experience and skills. Include a resume, email to